Friday, December 16, 2011

Finally done with finals!!

Woot Woot!!! Party over here this girl is done with her finals, awesomeness. However this is a very short lived celebration, next quarter starts January 9th :(

I've spent the day doing absolutely nothing productive and probable will continue to spend my days off from work in that same exact fashion until school starts back up. I have finished reading Matched though and was unaware that it was a trilogy until I reached the end of the book and the story completely left me hanging. so I looked online and read about the second book, Crossed, and the first two chapters plus reviews. I must say I'm not as excited about this one, which shocked me since I LOVED Matched. I still ordered it though, I have this need to know how it all ends.

I neglect my blog entirely too much, but I'm off to go read some blogs.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

blog alert

I was surfing and pinning (hi my name is Christina, and I'm a pinterestaholic) and stumbled upon this blog. Um in love with it. Reading Elise's posts is like talking to my bestie, who moved away :(. Great, I've  found something else   to keep me glued to my laptop.

                                                                          elise's pieces

NBR: neat find

I have finals next week and a messy house so in true procrasinator fashion, I am surfing the web instead of what I should be doing. I happen to stumble upon the cutest etsy shop. 
Microbial magnet grabbag

It is geeky handsewn gifts.

so neat!!